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shadow work.

'Taking it in its deepest sense, the shadow is the invisible saurian tail that man still drags behind him.

Carefully amputated, it becomes the healing serpent of the mysteries.

Only monkeys parade with it.'

Carl Jung

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shadow work is the artful practice of exploring the hidden corridors of our psyche, gently illuminating and embracing the overlooked parts of ourselves, thereby painting a more complete and vibrant picture of our inner world.


what is shadow work?

Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, introduced the concept of the "Shadow" as part of his analytical psychology.

Imagine your mind is like a house. In this house, there's a room where you store all the things you don't want to show to the world. Maybe it's that sneaky envy when a friend succeeds, the flash of anger you feel but suppress, or even those little habits you're not too proud of. This "room" in our minds is what Carl Jung called the "Shadow." It's like a secret attic filled with stuff we've forgotten or chosen to ignore.

But here's the thing: these hidden parts aren't all bad! Some might be talents we've been shy to showcase or feelings we've been scared to express. By exploring and understanding our Shadow, we're not just uncovering the not-so-great bits; we're also discovering hidden treasures about ourselves.

So when we talk about "Shadow work," we're really talking about a deep spring cleaning of the mind. 


This Odyssey is about opening that door, letting light in, and arranging everything so it fits harmoniously in our mental home. By understanding our Shadow, we're taking a big step toward truly understanding ourselves.

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you want to combine your odyssey with psychedelics?

You can find here all information we gathered on that topic!
From our Preparation Guide, to our Trip Sitter Guide all the way to our General Dosage Guide to equipt yourself for a safe and insightful experience.

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