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This is the free PDF version of Self-Love 2 to download and cut out for free!

This free version can be printed out on 7 pages with each 8 cards per page to cut out + a 8th page for a back side design for all 6 pages.

We recommend to print it out on slightly thicker paper for better card quility. 

A guided dialogue to help couples reconnect, reflect, revitalise, explore and deepen their emotional intimacy, assess their relationship, and plan for the future.

Self-Love 2 is the second Odyssey on the topic self-love after our free audio meditation guide
Self-Love ONE - into the Inner Self.

Self-Love 2
is a card guide that helps you dive deep into exploring your relationship with yourself deeper with the focus on a loving and kind approach to get to know yourself a little better.

This Guide is devided into 4 chapters:

Chapter 1:
Metta Meditation - Awaken the heart's innate love through ancient meditative practices.

Chapter 2:
Review - Revisit the past, seeking understanding and making peace.

Chapter 3:
Your Body - Embrace and celebrate the vessel that carries you through life.

Chapter 4:
You Today - Recognize, appreciate, and love the person you've become.

How does it work?

1.Keep the cards in their sequential order; please avoid shuffling.

2.Take a moment with each card. It's vital to immerse yourself in its message, feeling its depth. Better to connect deeply with a few than rush through them all.

3.Set the mood with calming classical or meditation music to enhance your experience.

Self-Love One Free PDF Version

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